Israeli Use of the 9/11. The Misleading

Today is one of the most sad days in history. Today 3000 Americans died in New York. Today a new era began with an act that triggered many political situations. the American campaign of war on terror which leaded to conquer Afghanistan and Iraq. People of Europe and America felt the danger and fear which many middle easterners felt before by the same ideologies of hatred which spreaded by the operations of the same organizations of terrorism. Algeria was shaking by some groups which was running streets killing people and ,specially, journalists. Terrorists targeted civilians in Cairo. It was the same enemy. but many Westerners thinkers and politicians didn't think that way. They get it as this enemy targeted the wetern civilization only. they forget what this enemy did before for other nations in the middle east. They start to draw pictures of Muslims like terrorists. many westerners consider any Muslim to be a terrorist. they think to be a Muslims to be a terrorist. whole world should remember that terrorists started first with their own people. As we can see in Iraq, They are killing Muslims, explode mosques. Then, we can conclude that whole world faces culture of hatred. hatred for The Other. Whoever that other : other in religion, in ideas or in attitude.
Israel made a big use of this accident actually.Israeli politicians wouldn't let it go easy.They rushed to the cameras and microphones declaring that they face the same enemy trying to tell Americans a message "You see now how we are suffering since along time!!" trying to distort the picture.Trying to mislead people around the world. To totalizing the picture of terrorism to contain all Arabs and Palestinians. No wondering, as Israel bombing Lebanon, Israeli officials declared that they support democracy in the middle east by targeting lebanon!!. The Israeli democracy costed Lebanon about 1000 killed civilians.Tens of Palestinians homes destructed by IDF. supporting democracy also !!!.
Now the world is so much dangerous place. terrorism is a hidden enemy, is a ghost, inflamed by Israeli insistence for Palestinian lands.Ossama bin land and his followers get more and influence power by every israeili acts in lebanon. invading iraq didn't achieve anything but giving those terrorists the proof of their words. they told people many times that America wants to destroy the Islamic world or to convert Muslims . after what hap pend in Iraq. they shout and screamed " here what we told u about many times ago. they started by Iraq" and this is the terrorism use of 9/11.
at last we can say that the evil powers in world get the best use of 9/11 to . whether they are terrorist or governments. but one should look at the main roots of terrorism which sprang from injustice.The only war on terror we can use is to help the poor in the third world, spreading justice and equal rights not by sending troops there to topple regimes.
finally, one moment of silence for all Americans died in 9/11.
Israel made a big use of this accident actually.Israeli politicians wouldn't let it go easy.They rushed to the cameras and microphones declaring that they face the same enemy trying to tell Americans a message "You see now how we are suffering since along time!!" trying to distort the picture.Trying to mislead people around the world. To totalizing the picture of terrorism to contain all Arabs and Palestinians. No wondering, as Israel bombing Lebanon, Israeli officials declared that they support democracy in the middle east by targeting lebanon!!. The Israeli democracy costed Lebanon about 1000 killed civilians.Tens of Palestinians homes destructed by IDF. supporting democracy also !!!.
Now the world is so much dangerous place. terrorism is a hidden enemy, is a ghost, inflamed by Israeli insistence for Palestinian lands.Ossama bin land and his followers get more and influence power by every israeili acts in lebanon. invading iraq didn't achieve anything but giving those terrorists the proof of their words. they told people many times that America wants to destroy the Islamic world or to convert Muslims . after what hap pend in Iraq. they shout and screamed " here what we told u about many times ago. they started by Iraq" and this is the terrorism use of 9/11.
at last we can say that the evil powers in world get the best use of 9/11 to . whether they are terrorist or governments. but one should look at the main roots of terrorism which sprang from injustice.The only war on terror we can use is to help the poor in the third world, spreading justice and equal rights not by sending troops there to topple regimes.
finally, one moment of silence for all Americans died in 9/11.